Theresa Ayoade, the Chief Executive of Charter House, has revealed the origins of the renowned Ghana Music Awards during an upcoming interview on JoyNews. According to Ayoade, the idea for the prestigious music awards event came from her Nigerian husband, who witnessed a heated argument between two Ghanaian artists backstage at Agoro, a TV production he was involved with.
Ayoade, who was working as a sales expert with the Multimedia Group at the time and shared her husband’s passion for creativity, embraced the concept and subsequently spearheaded the creation of Ghana’s most esteemed music award ceremony.
“My husband started this TV program called Agoro. It was quite interesting for a Nigerian who didn’t speak the local language to design such a successful program,” Ayoade explained during the interview.
She continued, “The Ghana Music Awards was born out of Agoro because it was on that platform that musicians were taken to different parts of the country. During one of the shows in Kumasi, he overheard Akyeame and Lord Kenya arguing over who was the most popular. When he returned, he made that suggestion.”
Ayoade highlighted her husband’s fascination with Ghana’s vibrant music scene, particularly with the emergence of genres like Hip life. After touring the country with the Agoro show, he proposed the idea of establishing the Ghana Music Awards to his wife.
“I was in the marketing space at that time, so I jumped at the opportunity and we worked together to design and package it for launch. I eventually resigned from The Multimedia Group – Joy FM – so that I could join him in organizing it, and that was when Charter House was born,” Ayoade recounted.
The Ghana Music Awards has since become a highly respected event, honoring and celebrating outstanding Ghanaian musicians and their contributions to the music industry.