In a significant development, two individuals who are friends of Osei Michael, the prime suspect in the murder of his girlfriend in Akyem Nsutam near Bunso Junction, have been apprehended by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service. The CID, a branch dedicated to solving complex crimes, took these individuals into custody as part of their ongoing investigation into the tragic incident.
The incident unfolded when Osei Michael, also known as Emeka, allegedly stabbed his 18-year-old girlfriend, Abigail Asare, during her visit to him while on a short break from her studies at New Nsutam Senior High Technical School in the Abuakwa-North District. The school management had granted her permission for the visit.
According to reports from Accra-based Citi News, the two friends were detained on Sunday to aid the police in their investigation and assist in the eventual capture of Emeka, who has managed to evade law enforcement since the gruesome act took place.
The Kyebi Divisional Police, who have been relentlessly searching for Emeka, are determined to spare no effort in their quest for justice. Their priority is to ensure that the perpetrator faces the full consequences of his actions. With the arrest of Emeka’s friends, the police hope to gather crucial information that will aid them in tracking down and apprehending the suspect.
The investigation remains ongoing, with the police leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice for Abigail Asare and her grieving family. The Ghana Police Service is committed to maintaining public safety and upholding the principles of justice in cases such as these.
As the investigation progresses, it is important for the public to remain vigilant and cooperate with law enforcement authorities. The arrest of Emeka’s friends underscores the police’s dedication to resolving this heinous crime and bringing closure to the victim’s loved ones.