Nana Ama McBrown, the Ghanaian actress and TV presenter, has taken to social media to showcase the scars on her arm, reminding her followers and critics of the hardships she has endured. The scars are a result of an accident she had in 2003 and subsequent surgeries.
During a TikTok live session, McBrown revealed her scars to her audience. The video highlighted a deep cut that had been stitched from her underarm to her elbow, leaving a prominent scar on her otherwise fair skin. By sharing her scars, she aimed to remind those who spread falsehoods about her to reconsider their actions and recognize the pain she has gone through.
McBrown expressed her sentiment, urging those who know nothing about her or her struggles to refrain from making uninformed comments. She emphasized that it would be in everyone’s best interest to remain silent if they were unaware of someone’s experiences. Quoting her, she said, “If you don’t know me, don’t talk about me. If you share my pain, you’ll enjoy my glory. If you don’t know someone’s pain, don’t talk about it.” Ghanaweb reported her statement.
However, the actress also acknowledged that she is not perfect but is striving to improve herself each day. She emphasized the importance of leaving everything to God and making positive changes in one’s life. McBrown recognized that as human beings, we all have our shortcomings but that God renews His love for us daily. She encouraged her audience to strive for gradual improvement and positive growth.
While McBrown did not specifically mention anyone or any particular topic, some netizens speculate that her comments are a response to the numerous attacks and allegations made against her by individuals such as Sally Mann and Diamond Appiah.